Voilà c'est fini. Rotterdam Photo Festival 2023 #freedomredefined is over and my love for photography has never been stronger.
Forty Plus is so far my most intimate project, something that I've been working on for the last two years, following my need to express something from deep inside. While doing it I've never considered the response it could have with a public, I photograph because there is an urgent need to put something out. My atelier is tiny (6m2), I only work with natural light and with objects that I already have. To put that work out, to show it and talk about it with visitors was kind of an experience, something that still gives me the chills. It was incredible to witness all those women from all ages, nodding while reading my statement and "feeling" my work with their eyes and soul. The love and support I received from women and men who were touched by the delicacy of my work and the importance to make that subject visible was just incredible.