Border: a line separating two countries, administrative divisions, or other areas.
Fence: -origin: shortening of defense,14ec, action of defending, resistance; means of protection, fortification
- a barrier, railing, or other upright structure enclosing an area of ground to prevent or control access or escape.
In 2018 a caravan of migrants mostly from Honduras, left their country and walked as a one group towards the United States of America. There were men, women, children, all ages. They were walking with the same determination, were all animated by the same desperate strength that vibrates in those who have nothing to lose. They were coming closer and closer to the border between Mexico and North America. One line, one wall, one fence. Two possible futures. How absurd is this? How arbitrary one line drawn on a map could decide your living condition, your health, or your future and life?
Back in her backyard, looking outside, Rey saw them there too. Fences, hedges, everywhere. Her tiny garden was surrounded by fancy borders and as far as she could see there were borders everywhere in her neighbourhood. It made Rey wondered how did it come to the point that human beings think they own a piece of earth, that they cut, transform, adjust, adapt and modify as long as their willpower and money can allow them.
In this series, a natural state of fences has been recreated by adding to trees and hedges cut flowers but also sometimes synthetic materials as they now belong to the urban western natural landscape. Doing this Carole Rey wanted to create something artificial that looks completely natural and familiar with the aim to confront and question the viewer with his/her own perception of nature and eventually of border and what it does to human interaction.
This series includes twelve images; to know more about it, please send a message via the Contact form .